Patient PortalVirtual Visit
Virtual Visit

Chad Abbott

AKA: Disney Villain Fangirl

Abbott is our resident Mr. Fix-it IT man. You may see him from time to time at testing sites or in the clinic on weekends as he is a certified tester as well, but his talents are best used when helping us all stay correctly connected. “Did you try turning it off and on again?” is basically his daily affirmation. We are convinced there is a magic button he just waits until the end of the day to push to make it look more complicated than it is!

When not pushing his magic button, Abbott likes to spend his free time in theme parks or starting craft projects that he is likely to never finish. With his go with the flow demeanor it’s no surprise to us that he grew up in Hawaii. He embodies the island state of mind. Some fun inside scoop we found out? Abbott has an irrational fear of whales and used to be a Mormon missionary.(Shhh. Don’t tell him we told you.)

Most likely to find him dancing around the office, we love Abbott’s care-free spirit because at the end of the day, his vision is the same as the rest of us, to do whatever it takes to make us great and provide exceptional care for our patients.

We wanted to know what it meant to him to be a part of this type of work and he said “I just want to do better every day. Having been through what most of our patients go through I understand their needs and being a part of a practice that goes above and beyond makes me want to show up and do the same.” we are grateful to have him on our Crew.

Most Likely To...
Most likely to wear his lunch on his shirt
I’m the one at the sail, I’m the master of my sea.
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